
我可以信任 Zel le 將額外費用記入我的帳戶嗎?

  • March 24, 2022

我列出了一件衣服 $ 300 on FB Marketplace. The buyer uses Zelle so I set up an account because D said that was the only way she sent funds. She said she sent Zelle the money. So I get an email from Zelle saying I was restricted due to a balance limit. “D” stated she would help me by sending them an additional $ 400. 所以通過她這樣做,我被升級為商業使用者,這給了我無限的訪問權限。她說我應該在 Zelle 上看到交易,但我只看到銀行的連結。我的銀行賬戶上沒有任何活動。

我向 Zelle 發送了一封電子郵件,說我無法像使用 Paypal 那樣將它們連結起來。所以他們要求一個 $ 400 gift card and I sent that. Zelle then asks for $ 500 的證書表格費作為我的商業賬戶的保險,但我將被記入貸方。Zelle 說資金將在 12 小時內反映。下一個 ZELLE 通知我“我們今天有關於我的資金釋放的消費稅。增值稅(VALUE ADDED TAX)和 ZELLE 收費 $ 800.00 USD was placed on my account". They apologize for not informing me along with the upgrade of my ZELLE account as it is a mandatory excise “We want you to known that this is the final clearance in order for your funds to be released and your account will be credited”. Then the next day another notice from Zelle that they have order from IMF (International Monetary Fund) to charge $ 他們每筆超過 1000 美元的交易收取 1000 英鎊。



在每一點上,他們要求的金額都會增加。如果你給他們這個 $ 1000, the next thing they will do is give you some excuse why they need you to send them $ 1500.


  1. 別再給他們寄錢了。
  2. 聯繫您的銀行。他們不太可能取回您的錢,但他們可能會阻止進一步的交易進行。如果您曾經在假的“Zelle”中輸入任何銀行密碼或銀行帳號,則需要在您的真實銀行更改這些密碼和銀行帳號。
  3. 聯繫警方。不幸的是,他們不太可能拿回您的錢,但他們可能會進行調查,並且可能會指導您使用更多資源來幫助您。



