
如果出現負餘額,Stripe 如何從我的銀行賬戶中扣款?

  • June 20, 2019

我正在考慮開設 Stripe 帳戶,然後看到了這個。此頁面顯示,如果我因退款而出現負餘額,Stripe 可以聯繫我的銀行並在未經我批准的情況下從我的銀行賬戶中請求資金。網站相關文本的片段:

Stripe will initiate a withdrawal back from your bank account to cover the negative balance. This will show up in your Stripe dashboard as a withdrawal with a negative amount, and in your bank account as a debit. This withdrawal will be created the next day in Australia, Canada, or the US and in three business days in the UK—even if you have chosen to receive payouts on a weekly or monthly basis. Withdrawals will not be delayed in accordance with your regular payout schedule.



正如 quid 所說,他們必須使用某種預先授權的拉動機制。在英國,這很可能是直接借記- 至少,我不知道他們有任何其他方式可以做到這一點。

